Personal Information Protection Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy
Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd.

Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) recognizes that careful protection of personal information is a social mission in the development of business activities and considers the received personal information to be the “customer’s property itself”; furthermore, it has established and publicly announced this Personal Information Protection Policy as follows, and it will ensure appropriate handling of the personal information for the purpose of protecting the customer’s rights and interests.

  1. Acquisition of Personal Information and Purpose of Use

    When acquiring personal information from a customer, the Company will notify the customer of or publicly announce the purpose of use, in advance; moreover, it will acquire the customer’s personal information fairly and lawfully. Further, the Company will specify the purpose of use of the customer’s personal information, and will use the customer’s personal information only within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose and in an appropriate manner. The Company will not use the customer’s personal information for any purpose other than the purpose of use publicly announced, unless the Company has obtained the customer’s prior consent or except as permitted by applicable laws.

  2. Joint Use of Personal Information

    The Company will jointly use the customer’s personal information within the group companies of the Company. For this purpose, the Company will publicly announce the items of personal information jointly used, the names of joint users, and the purpose of use in advance; furthermore, the Company will take responsibility regarding to the joint use.

  3. Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

    In handling the customer’s personal information, the Company will not provide it to a third party without the customer’s prior consent, except as permitted by applicable laws or as necessary to fulfill the terms of the contract with the customer and other similar cases.

  4. Accuracy and Security Management of Personal Information

    The Company will take organizational, personnel, physical, and technical security measures, and it will take necessary corrective measures to prevent loss, destruction, falsification, leak, etc. of the customer’s personal information. Further, when handling the customer’s personal information in foreign countries, the Company will take necessary and appropriate measures for the security management of personal information after comprehending the personal information protection system and other relevant matters of such foreign countries. Moreover, when outsourcing the handling of personal information, the Company will appropriately supervise the trustee by executing contracts with the trustee concerning the handling of personal information and by taking other necessary measures.

  5. Request for Disclosure, Etc. of Personal Information

    When a customer asks the Company to disclose, correct, cease to utilize, delete, cease third party provision, or to disclose the records on a third-party provision of the customer’s personal information retained by the Company, the Company will appropriately respond to the request in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and in light of socially accepted conventions, customs, etc.

  6. Compliance with Various Laws and Regulations

    The Company will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other applicable laws and regulations, and social norms, etc.

Handling of Customer’s Personal Information

For customers residing within the EU region, please access this site.

In relation to the customer’s personal information, the Company will receive and retain it including name, address, telephone number, e mail address, through proposals, contracts, etc. for a building lease business and various ancillary services in which the Company and its group companies engage, or through materials generally disclosed to the public such as real estate registers. The Company will carefully handle the customer’s personal information in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Policy stated above, and in accordance with the following:

  1. Purpose of Use of Customer’s Personal Information

    1. 1)Purpose of Use of Personal Information of Land Owner and Building Owner

      The Company will use personal information acquired or retained from land owners and building owners for the following purposes:

      1. (1)proposals on building lease businesses, including land assessment, building plan, management plan, and financial plan, concerning the utilization of land assets;
      2. (2)proposals relating to loans, such as acting as an intermediary for lenders of loans when managing building lease businesses;
      3. (3)providing services, such as preparing design documents, various investigations, applications, and registration procedures, relating to construction work, and taking out various types of insurance;
      4. (4)conducting insurance agency business, and providing a small amount of and short-term insurance products and services to a customer whose insurance contract has expired or has been cancelled;
      5. (5)various management tasks such as contract management, rent management, building management, and after-sales services;
      6. (6)sales activities based on performance records of the construction and management as the history of construction work;
      7. (7)request for provision of information relating to brokerage of real estate properties, building lease businesses, etc.;
      8. (8)sales activities, after-sales services and marketing activities by mail, telephone, e mail, visitation or other means to provide information and services relating to building lease businesses;
      9. (9)sales activities and marketing activities by mail, telephone, e mail, visitation or other means to provide information and services relating to asset succession, asset utilization, or asset management;
      10. (10)provision of services to customers that the Company provides on the Internet.
    2. 2)Purpose of Use of Personal Information of Tenants of Rental Properties and Purchasers of Houses Built For Sale

      The Company will use personal information of tenants of leased properties and purchasers of houses built for sale acquired or retained by the Company for the purposes set forth below:

      1. (1)provision of information and services for transactions such as brokerage and sale of real estate properties;
      2. (2)proposals relating to loans, such as acting as an intermediary for lenders of loans when purchasing real estate;
      3. (3)performance of contracts with customers, such as a building lease agreement and contract for sale of real estate;
      4. (4)provision of services such as various types of insurance , moving, and water purification cartridges at the time of execution of contracts;
      5. (5)conducting insurance agency business as part of the Company’s business operations, and providing a small amount of and short term insurance products and services to a customer whose insurance contract has expired or has been cancelled;
      6. (6)providing after-sales services after the execution of contracts, including conducting management of contracts, rental charges, buildings, and taking measures in emergency situations, etc.;
      7. (7)request for provision of information relating to brokerage or purchase of real estate properties, or building lease businesses, etc.;
      8. (8)sales activities, after-sales services and marketing activities by mail, telephone, e mail, visitation or other means to provide information and services relating to real estate properties;
      9. (9)provision of services to customers that the Company provides on our website;
    3. 3)Purpose of Use of Personal Information of Recruitment Applicants

      The Company will use personal information acquired or retained from recruitment applicants for the following purposes:

      1. (1)contact and delivery of documents concerning screening for recruitment;
      2. (2)basic materials for recruitment activities (interviews, written tests, etc.);
    4. 4)Purpose of Use of Personal Information Acquired Through the Website

      The Company will use personal information acquired or retained by the Company for the following purposes:

      1. (1)replying to various inquiries;
      2. (2)responding to requests for room searches;
      3. (3)providing services for customers that are implemented by the Company on our website;
      4. (4)providing such personal information to companies using the website operated by the Company, based on the inquiries from customers;
      5. (5)conducting and improving appropriately and smoothly the business operated by the Company;
      6. (6)developing products, systems, and services of the Company;
      7. (7)Conducting data analysis and marketing activities, and conducting business activities through methods such as retargeting.
  2. Joint Use of Personal Information

    1. 1)Items of Personal Information Jointly Used:
      1. (1)name;
      2. (2)address;
      3. (3)telephone number;
      4. (4)date of birth;
      5. (5)various ID numbers;
      6. (6)e-mail address;
      7. (7)other necessary items for the purpose of use.
    2. 2)Scope of Joint Users

      Daito Kentaku Group

    3. 3)Purpose of Use

      Same as 1. Purpose of Use of Customer’s Personal Information.

    4. 4)Company Responsible for Management of Joint Use

      The Company will take responsibility regarding to joint use of customer’s personal information. For the Company’s address and the name of its representative, please see below:

      Company location: 2-16-1, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8211 Japan
      President and Representative Director: Katsuma Kobayashi
  3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

    The Company may provide the customer’s personal information to persons concerned, to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use above. If the Company provides the customer’s personal information to third parties, it will take necessary measures for confidentiality.

    1. 1)Items of Personal Data Provided to Third Parties

      Same as 1) Items of Personal Information Jointly Used of 2. Joint Use of Personal Information.

    2. 2)Means of Provision to Third Parties

      The Company will provide the customer’s personal information to third parties by electromagnetic means, electronic media, or in hard copy format.

    3. 3)Cessation of Third-Party Provision

      If the Company receives from a customer a request to cease provision of his/her personal data to third parties, the Company will cease the third party provision. However, in this case there may be difficulties in service provision, performance of contracts, or management.

    4. 4)Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties in Foreign Countries

      There are cases where the Company outsources part of its business operations to third parties in foreign countries; with such outsourcing, the Company may provide the customer’s personal data to such third parties in foreign countries.

      Further, when the Company provides the personal data to third parties in foreign countries, the Company will conduct any necessary and appropriate supervision over such third parties to protect personal information.

  4. Accuracy and Security of Personal Information

    The accuracy and security management of personal information is as mentioned in “4. Accuracy and Security Management of Personal Information” of the Personal Information Protection Policy of Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd., while the details are as follows:

    1. 1)Establishment of Basic Policy

      To secure the appropriate handling of personal data, the Company establishes and makes public the basic policy on matters such as compliance with laws and regulations related to personal information protection, and the contact address for inquiries and complaints in the “Personal Information Protection Policy.”

    2. 2)Preparation of Disciplines Relating to the Handling of Personal Data

      The Company establishes handling rules on matters such as the method of handling personal data, those who are responsible for and those who are involved in such affairs, and their duties.

    3. 3)Organizational Security Management Measures

      In addition to appointing those responsible for handling personal data, the Company clarifies those employees who handle personal data as well as the scope of the personal data that such employees handle; furthermore, it establishes a system for reporting to and contacting those responsible if any fact or sign of the violation of laws and regulations related to personal information protection or of company rules is detected. In addition to establishing internal rules regarding the handling of personal data and conducting regular self-inspections, the Company carries out appropriate audits on such situations.

    4. 4)Personnel Security Management Measures

      The Company provides regular training to employees regarding the points to consider and the security management for handling personal data, in order to improve the level of information protection.

    5. 5)Physical Security Management Measures

      The Company will take measures to prevent theft, loss, etc. of equipment, electronic media, and documents, etc. that it uses to handle personal data. In addition, the Company takes measures to ensure that personal data is not easily revealed when such equipment, electronic media, etc. are being carried around, including within its office.

    6. 6)Technical Security Management Measures

      The Company implements access control to limit the scope of employees in charge, the personal information database handled, etc. The Company takes measures to protect the information systems that it uses to handle personal data from external unauthorized access or the like.

    7. 7)Comprehending the External Environment

      When handling personal data in foreign countries, the Company regularly collects and comprehends information related to personal information protection in the relevant country; thereafter, it takes security management measures, and provides corrective instructions or the like as necessary.
      The name of the relevant countries and an overview of their personal information protection system that the Company knows about are as follows:
      China, Vietnam, the Philippines, India, Canada, the U.S., and Malaysia.
      To overview of their system, please see the Personal Information Protection Commission’s website below:
  5. Request for Disclosure, Etc. of Personal Information

    When the Company receives a request for disclosure, etc. of the retained personal data of a customer, the Company will respond as follows, during a reasonable period and within a reasonable scope. In this case, the Company will ask the customer himself/herself or each representative to submit various certificates to prevent a leak of information and from an information accuracy perspective.

    1. 1)Persons Eligible to Make a Request for Disclosure, etc.
      1. (1)the customer himself/herself;
      2. (2)a representative entrusted by the customer himself/herself (voluntary representative);
      3. (3)a statutory representative of a minor or an adult ward.
    2. 2)How to Make a Request

      If you would like to make a request, please fill out the written request in the Company’s form below, and send it to the Contact for Inquiries by mail. You need to submit the following documents:

      1. (1)A written request in the Company’s form;
      2. (2)A copy of various certificates of the data subject (a copy of any of the following):
        1. (a) driver’s license;
        2. (b) passport;
        3. (c) health insurance card;
        4. (d) pension handbook;
        5. (e) certificate of seal-impression (within three months from the preparation date);
      3. (3)Necessary Documents to be Submitted When a Voluntary Representative Makes a Request
        1. (a) a copy of the proxy of the data subject (with his/her registered seal affixed):
        2. (b) a copy of the certificate of seal impression of the data subject (within three months from the preparation date);
        3. (c) various certificates of the voluntary representative (a copy of any of the documents in (a) through (e) of (2) above relating to the voluntary representative).
      4. (4)Necessary Documents to be Submitted When a Statutory Representative Makes a Request
        1. (a) various certificates of the data subject (a copy of any of the documents in (a) through (e) of (2) above);
        2. (b) various certificates of the statutory representative (a copy of any of the documents in (a) through (e) of (2) above relating to the statutory representative);
        3. (c) certificates to confirm the relation between the statutory representative and the data subject (a copy of the family register, a copy of residence certificate, etc.).
    3. 3)Contact for Requests

      A request for disclosure, etc. is received at the Contact for Inquiries below.

    4. 4)Fee

      Please note that the prescribed fee will be charged per request for disclosure of personal information and records of third-party provision.

    5. 5)Various Forms of Request
  6. Cookies

    The Company’s website contains pages in which a technology called “cookies” is used to provide customers with better services. Cookies are an industry standard technology with which the webserver identifies the customer’s computer. Cookies can identify the customer’s computer, but they cannot identify the customer himself/herself unless the customer inputs his/her personal information. The customer may disable the cookie function by changing the settings of the browser that the customer is using, depending on the browser; but in some cases, the customer may no longer be able to utilize all or part of the services on the Website pages.

  7. Appropriate Handling of Specific Personal Information

    The Company has established a basic policy as follows to organizationally work on securing the appropriate handling of specific personal information and individual number under the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure (the “My Number Act”).

  8. Revision of This Privacy Policy

    This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time in response to amendments or changes in relevant laws and changes in business needs.

Contact for Inquiries

For inquiries, complaints, and consultations concerning personal information, please contact the Customer Service Center by mail, telephone or e mail. We are available from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.

Customer Service Department, Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd.
Shinagawa East One Tower, 16-1, Konan 2 Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8211
Telephone: 0120-1673-43 (toll-free number dedicated for customers)
Email: Inquiry Form

GDPR Privacy Policy

The Company will appropriately handle personal data of customers residing in the European Economic Area consisting of the EU Member States, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein (these member states and countries are hereinafter referred to collectively as “EEA”) (such customers are hereinafter referred to as “Customer”) in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This Privacy Policy shall be applied to customers residing in the EEA who are users of the Company service.

  1. Acquisition and Retention of Customer’s Personal Data

    1. 1)Method of Acquisition

      The Company will acquire personal data by the following methods:

      1. (1)Direct acquisition from the customer himself/herself (telephone, Internet, written application, etc.)
      2. (2)Indirect acquisition from the customer himself/herself (IP address, etc. acquired when the customer accesses the Company website)
      3. (3)Acquisition from the person duly authorized by the customer himself/herself (applicant for use, introducer, etc.)
      4. (4)Acquisition from public information (certified copy of register, etc.)
    2. 2)Kind of Personal Data Acquired and Retained

      Personal data acquired and retained by the Company includes:

      1. (1)Customer’s base information (name, address, phone number, email address, sex, date of birth, etc.);
      2. (2)Customer’s additional information (occupation, information on customer’s workplace(company’s name, address,
        phone number, department, and title), information on family members (name, address, relationship, date of birth), etc.);
      3. (3)Information on payment for transactions with the Company (information on bank account, credit card number, etc.)
      4. (4)Information automatically collected on the Company websites (Cookie information, etc.)
  2. Purpose of Use of Customer’s Personal Information

    1. 1)Purpose of Use of Personal Information of Land Owner and Building Owner

      The Company will use personal information acquired or retained from land owners and building owners for the following purposes:

      1. (1)proposals on building lease businesses, including land assessment, building plan, management plan, and financial plan, concerning the utilization of land assets;
      2. (2)proposals relating to loans, such as acting as an intermediary for lenders of loans when managing building lease businesses;
      3. (3)providing services, such as preparing design documents, various investigations, applications, and registration procedures, relating to construction work, and taking out various types of insurance;
      4. (4)conducting insurance agency business, and providing a small amount of and short-term insurance products and services to a customer whose insurance contract has expired or has been cancelled;
      5. (5)various management tasks such as contract management, rent management, building management, and after-sales services;
      6. (6)sales activities based on performance records of the construction and management as the history of construction work;
      7. (7)request for provision of information relating to brokerage of real estate properties, building lease businesses, etc.;
      8. (8)sales activities, after-sales services and marketing activities by mail, telephone, e mail, visitation or other means to provide information and services relating to building lease businesses;
      9. (9)sales activities and marketing activities by mail, telephone, e mail, visitation or other means to provide information and services relating to asset succession, asset utilization, or asset management;
      10. (10)provision of services to customers that the Company provides on the Internet.
    2. 2)Purpose of Use of Personal Information of Tenants of Rental Properties and Purchasers of Houses Built For Sale

      The Company will use personal information of tenants of leased properties and purchasers of houses built for sale acquired or retained by the Company for the purposes set forth below:

      1. (1)provision of information and services for transactions such as brokerage and sale of real estate properties;
      2. (2)proposals relating to loans, such as acting as an intermediary for lenders of loans when purchasing real estate;
      3. (3)performance of contracts with customers, such as a building lease agreement and contract for sale of real estate;
      4. (4)provision of services such as various types of insurance , moving, and water purification cartridges at the time of execution of contracts;
      5. (5)conducting insurance agency business as part of the Company’s business operations, and providing a small amount of and short term insurance products and services to a customer whose insurance contract has expired or has been cancelled;
      6. (6)providing after-sales services after the execution of contracts, including conducting management of contracts, rental charges, buildings, and taking measures in emergency situations, etc.;
      7. (7)request for provision of information relating to brokerage or purchase of real estate properties, or building lease businesses, etc.;
      8. (8)sales activities, after-sales services and marketing activities by mail, telephone, e mail, visitation or other means to provide information and services relating to real estate properties;
      9. (9)provision of services to customers that the Company provides on our website;
  3. Legal Grounds

    The Company will handle personal data of a customer based on the legal basis of customer’s consent to this Privacy Policy, the necessity for the performance of the contract, and the necessity for the procedure taken for the request of the customer before the conclusion of the contract. Customer has the right to choose whether to provide his/her personal data to the Company; provided, however, that when customer does not provide his/her personal data, customer may not in certain cases receive services and information provided by the Company.

  4. Period of Retention of Personal Data

    The Company will retain personal data only during the period required for the achievement of each of the use purposes above or the period prescribed in applicable laws. After the lapse of the period of retention, the Company will promptly erase personal data by a secure method.

  5. Joint Use of Personal Data

    1. 1)Items of Personal Data Jointly Used

      The same contents as Paragraph 1 (Acquisition and Retention of Customer’s Personal Data), Item 2) (Kind of Personal Data Acquired and Retained) above shall apply.

    2. 2)Scope of Joint Users

      Daito Kentaku Group

    3. 3)Purpose of Use

      The same contents as Paragraph 2 (Purpose of Use of Customer’s Personal Data) above shall apply.

    4. 4)Company Responsible for Management of Joint Use

      The Company will take responsibility regarding to joint use of customer’s personal information. For the Company’s address and the name of its representative, please see below:

      Company location: 2-16-1, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8211 Japan
      President and Representative Director: Katsuma Kobayashi
  6. Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

    The Company will in certain cases provide customer’s personal data to related parties, to the extent necessary for the achievement of purposes of use set forth above. The Company will take necessary measures for confidentiality when conducting the provision to third parties.

    1. 1)Items of Personal Data Provided to Third Parties

      The same contents as Paragraph 1 (Acquisition and Retention of Customer’s Personal Data), Item 2) (Kind of Personal Data Acquired and Retained) above shall apply.

    2. 2)Method of Provision to Third Parties

      The Company will provide customer’s personal data to third parties by electronic or magnetic means, electronic media or printed paper.

    3. 3)Discontinuation of Provision to Third Parties

      When the Company receives from a customer a request for discontinuation of provision of his/her personal data to third parties, the Company will discontinue the provision to third parties; provided, however, that there are cases where the performance and management of customer’s contract is hindered in relation to the provision of the services.

  7. Transfer of Personal Data to Third Countries, Etc.

    The Company may in certain cases transfer the customer’s personal data to third countries (China, Vietnam, Philippines, India, the United States of America, Malaysia, etc.) for the performance of the contract with the customer or for the implementation of the procedure as requested by the customer before the conclusion of the contract. When the Company transfers personal data to a country to which a sufficiency certificate is not issued by the European Commission, the Company will legally transfer such customer’s personal data by taking the measures prescribed in the Standard Data Protective Clauses.

  8. Customer’s Right to Personal Data

    Customer may withdraw the consent to the use of his/her personal data. In addition, customer has the right of access, correction and erasure of his/her personal data, the right of restriction on processing of his/her personal data, the right of data portability, and right of raising an objection to the handling of his/her personal data by the Company. Customer may withdraw the consent and exercise each of the rights by contacting the “Contact Address for Inquiries” as stated below. Customer may also file, with the Company or the competent data protection authorities controlling the locality of the customer, an objection regarding the processing of customer’s personal data.

  9. Accuracy and Security of Personal Data

    The Company will keep customer’s personal data received by the Company accurate and up-to-date, within the scope according to the purpose of use, and will take measures for the prevention of improper access, loss, destruction, falsification, leak, etc. of personal data. To employees of the Company, the Company will regularly implement educational training in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Regulations and other internal regulations of the Company, and thus strictly manage personal data. Further, when the Company outsources the handling of personal data, the Company will appropriately supervise the outsourcee by the conclusion of a personal data handling contract with the outsourcee or the like.

  10. Automated Processing

    The Company will not make a decision solely by automated processing including profiling of personal data.

  11. Cookies

    The Company’s website contains pages in which a technology called “cookies” is used to provide customers with better services. Cookies are an industry standard technology with which the webserver identifies the customer’s computer. Cookies can identify the customer’s computer, but they cannot identify the customer himself/herself unless the customer inputs his/her personal information. The customer may disable the cookie function by changing the settings of the browser that the customer is using, depending on the browser; but in some cases, the customer may no longer be able to utilize all or part of the services on the Website pages.

  12. Revision of This Privacy Policy

    This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time to respond to revisions and amendments of related laws and regulations, changes in business needs, etc.

  13. Contact for Inquiries

    Customer Service Department, Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd.
    Shinagawa East One Tower, 16-1, Konan 2 Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8211
    Telephone: 0120-1673-43 (toll-free number dedicated for customers)
    Email: Inquiry Form