Stock Data


Number of shareholders

Number of shares authorized 329,541,100
Number of shares outstanding 68,918,979

Basic information


Trading unit 100 shares
Fisical year April 1 to March 31
Dividend record dates General shareholder’s meeting: March 31
Year-end dividend: March 31
Interim dividend: September 30
Transfer agent Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Method of public notices

The public notices shall be by means of electronic public notification: provided, however, in the event that electronic notification is not available due to an accident or any other unavoidable circumstance a notice shall be published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.

Stock exchange listing Tokyo stock exchange(1st section)
Nagoya stock exchange(1st section)
Code: 1878

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Shareholder Composition

As of September 30, 2023

Number of shareholders


Breakdown of shareholders (As of September 30, 2023)

Breakdown of shareholders

A Overseas corporation 32,962,356 (47.83%)
B Financial institutions 17,474,605 (25.36%)
C Individuals and others 6,819,776 (9.88%)
D Domestic corporations 7,427,607 (10.78%)
E Financial instruments firms 4,196,249 (6.09%)
F Tresury stock 38,386 (0.06%)